Fanzine Bruxism No. 7
DIN A4, 120 pages.
- Life Goes On, by Javi Bayo
- Attitude means style. Style means attitude: Youth archetypes in the British cinema of the sixties, by Alejandro Jiménez
- The Balkan War to the rhythm of TurboFolk, by Víctor Terrazas
- Interview with Kuala Lumpur Soul, by Alejandro Alvarfer
- Wilhelm Reich: Lights and shadows of the eccentric communist disciple of Freud, by Ícar J. Iranzo
- The gypsy genocide of Ferdinand VI, by Manuel Alvargonzález
- Equality on the scaffold or the calvary of Olympe de Gouges, by A. Saralegui
- Life in a plastic bag, by Guillem Serra Cros
- Unpopular Utopias: Robots that Take Our Jobs, by Adela Domínguez
- The geopolitics of the pandemic, by Marta Dressen
- Bitter Love in the Age of Innocence, by Alejandro Alvarfer
- Interview with Stewart Home, by Alejandro Alvarfer
- Interview with the publishing house Malas Tierras, by Alejandro Alvarfer